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This house of God is open for you; the Lord has been waiting to see you come home.

A place to leave behind the past, to have the
fullness of the present,
and to look forward to the bright future.

Almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ resurrected from death and the grave. This event is celebrated by over a billion Christians as the great feast of Easter. For those unfamiliar with the history of Jesus, it is recounted in the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The short version is that Jesus taught, preached and healed for about three years. His actions and teachings challenged the thinking and practices of His time. The authorities then publicly tortured him and put Him to death. His friends put His body in a tomb and on the third day He arose and appeared to His followers.


 This event changed the spirituality and the thinking of the world. This could only have occurred through Divine power, and this indeed was the main message and gift of Jesus. Jesus preached the ever present reality of His Father, while securing our redemption and showing us a loving God through Whom all things could be accomplished. He inspired people to change their lives, healed others, and gave us the perfect example of righteous living. Truly He is the Son of God, the promised One who was to come.


 Christ is the Divine healing power which transforms humanity. As John tells us, “The Word was made flesh.” Through repentance, our faith in this Word connects us to this same Christ and we too are saved from sin and death. 


 The Resurrection empowered those who witnessed it and those who believed their witness. The first believers turned away from mundane living to seek the spiritual, putting into practice its truth and possibilities as the transcending reality of their lives. They were able to heal, preach and overcome persecution. The writings of the early Church are a testament to the power of Gospel truth.


The message of the Resurrection is that Christ is alive and present today and that He continues to heal and save. Those who believe in the Resurrection have moved beyond the simple hope that God can and will raise us from sin and death. Jesus’ life proved that God reigns supreme on earth. Jesus was crucified because of the sin and hatred within the world. He rose again to give us comfort and show us the way to eternal life.  


The tomb is empty. Alleluia! Alleluia!!



 “And entering the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting

on the right side, and they were alarmed. But he said to them, ‘Do not be alarmed.

You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See

the place where they laid Him.’"

Mark 16: 6-7




In His Light,

Bishop Raymond Contois

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